The personality begins...

"Mom, even phone pictures? Really?"

"Life's good"

"Yeah, check me out. I'm lookin' good in my first church outfit."

"I'm full, I'm content, stop taking pictures and let me chill"

Two Weeks Too Fast!

Owen's favorite place to sleep.

Male bonding on Father's Day!
Grandpa Pat, Daddy, Owen, & Papa B.


Uncle Nate lookin' cool holding a baby!

Owen first Dr. Appointment. Daddy is calming him down and helping him to be brave.

Back up to birth weight, ahead of schedule and healthy!

Grandpa Pat and Grandma Cindy traveled to see Owen and were here for father's day and Grandpa Pat's Birthday! What a treat!

Owen's "smirk" gives you a guaranteed smile.

Geared up in appropriate pajamas and watchin' the game with daddy. Gotta start em' early!

Owen's Nursery Nook

First time in his "room"!

Whew, it's been a long day.

Mommy and Owen, worn out after a great day of coming home!

Day 3... Coming Home!

Owen and mommy leaving the hospital.

Owen in his "coming home" gown from grandmother.

Holding mommy's hands the whole way home- it was a little scary but he was as happy as can be!

Woah, it's a big world and SO bright!

Mom and Dad proud to bring Owen home for the very first time.

Day Two!

Mommy's in love.

Papa B!

Auntie Kage

Owen's new friends, Cassidy and Blake Thompson

Smiling with Mommy.

Auntie Jenni came all the way from Philly and got to experience the whole event!

Grandovie is glowing

Owen's First Book, A Mama for Owen

More Pictures from Owen's Birthday!

Hi Everyone!

It's day two... and Mom, Dad and Owen are doing great. We'd like to share some more pictures with you of Owen Patrick's big day.

Here he is, waving at y'all!

Here's a Rorschach test... who does he look like?

Bath time!

He's eating well... and already pooped eight times. We're in love! We'll be sure to update you with pictures from Day 2 very soon!

Owen is Here!

He's here!

We are proud to announce the arrival of our new prince:

Owen Patrick Whitaker

Born: June 9th, 2008
8lbs. 1 ounce

He's absolutely perfect. Owen, mom, dad and the family are doing so well!

The story: Mom and Dad went in at 6:30am to be induced. The nurses didn't start the pitocin until 8:30am. Mom started having contractions around 9:30am. At 10:00am mom was dilated 3cm. Each hour she dilated another centimeter and by 6:00pm, she was ready to push. He was ready! Mom had to wait for the doctor... and it only took three pushes! He made his presence known right away and sprinkled all over the nurse. He is quite hungry. He has already had 2 meals... and a little present in his diaper for grandmother Bohnhoff.

Thank you for all of your cards, prayers and love!

Little Whity's World
