
The little guy is now old enough to REALLY start "playing" with friends. We have play dates on Fridays and he attends mother's morning out on Tuesdays/Thursdays. Here are some pictures of Owen's buddies!
This is Brady! One of Owen's favorite buddies! they love to run, climb and run in to each other.... i don't think this will ever change!
 (However, excessively hugging other boys hopefully WILL!)

As you can see....Owen is a "lover" and loves to hug on his buddies.

Play date at Monkey Joe's! Much to our surprise, our Oh-too-brave-climb-on-anything-mighty-warrior-Owen wasn't too sure about the inflatables....

Neither was Brady... whew.

Presley and Owen chillin in the pool at Ariel's 1st birthday party!
Happy Birthday Ariel! (FYI: this does NOT count as his first co-ed pool party....)

Owen's red-haired girl, Julianna. 

Watching Ariel chow down on cake....Deep in thought. I don't know who he gets this look from but it looks strangely familiar.....

Big boy climbing on a chair.

"Duck" one of his current most frequently used vocabulary words.... keep updated, soon to follow is a duck says... _________
(that is, IF he can get over hysterically laughing at YOU Quacking @ him...)

Xander and Ariel.. playing in the pool.. somewhat "together".

We look forward to watching Owen grow up with his buddies. We're so lucky to have such a special group of friends around us!

It's been awhile....

it's been awhile since we've blogged.... email, facebook, photos, blackberry... it's hard to keep up with all of these gadgets and sights! We have also been busy with ESP Camp and then moving! So, needless to say... we have been growing and learning SO much... which I hope to catch many of you up on. (I have also just figured out how to import my blog to facebook so hitting 2 birds with one stone... hooray!)

Here are a few recent pictures of Owen and his recent adventures....

4th of July

We were in to making new adventures this year for 
the 4th! We started out in Grandovie and Papi's neighborhood where we joined a 4th of July parade! (it was our first time and we didn't seem to have enough paraphernalia... there's always next year)

We then went to Aunt Grace's house where we enjoyed a wonderful dinner and homemade blackberry pie (all cooked by Aunt/chef Grace). 

Owen and Grandovie went home to bed and everyone else watched the BEST fireworks show (known to man) at Centennial park!

The sparks flew... just a couple weeks later... Aunt Grace and Justin were dating! :-)
A GREAT new memory!

ESP Camp

Our youngest camper had a ball this summer! He went to ESP Prom, joined for a few camp days, came to Camp Twin Lakes (away camp) and brightened many camper's faces! He is a "younger brother" to many of the campers at ESP! Lucky Owen!


Camp Twin Lakes

Enjoying the golf cart! (a little too much!)

The whole family!

Tired boy!

Good ol' camp!

Hanging with Mia at the Hoe-down talent show.

Owen's talent... 


Joseph's comment to Laura, "He may act like he loves
 you more right now, but he said my name first, so HA!"

Owen 9 Months!

Could we have asked for a happier baby? I think not!

Lovin' the shorts! (first time trial)

Friends at Bible Class!

Poppin' the collar.....


Typical morning in the Whitaker Household

Our "quiet time"

Owen's First Basketball Game (Go DAWGS!)

A little fun clip of Autism Awareness Night at the UGA Basketball game. We weren't quite sure what Owen would think (especially because it ran past his bedtime!) But, needless to say, he was in his element! The kid has never been happier; in his eyes, the whole coliseum was cheering for him!

(This is the correct video. The first time it was posted, it somehow had a random clip from a friend's wedding!)

Santa's Cowboy

Owen's Gift from Santa...

Little Whity's World
